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ISO/IEC 25000:2014(E) Systems and software engineering - Systems and softwareQuality Requirements and Evaluation (sQuaRE) — Guide tosQuaRE
1 scope
This International Standard provides guidance for the use of the new series of International Standardsnamed Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE).The purpose of thisGuide is to provide a general overview of SQuaRE contents, common reference models and definitions,as well as the relationship among the documents, allowing users of the Guide a good understanding ofthose series of standards, according to their purpose of use.This International Standard also containsan explanation of the transition process between the old ISO/IEC 9126 and the lSO/IEC 14598 series andSQuaRE.
The SQuaRE series of International Standards is intended for, but not limited to, developers, acquirersand independent evaluators of systems and software products,particularly those responsible fordefining systems and software quality requirements and for systems and software product evaluation.lt is recommended that users of SQuaRE as well as lSO/IEC 14598 and ISO/IEC 9126 series of standardsalso use this International Standard as a guide to execute their tasks.
There is no particular conformance clause for this document. Users, for their intended use of SQuaREseries of Standards should follow individual conformance clauses stated in each document of the series.
Normative references

ISO/IEC 27000:2018(E) Information technology -Security techniques — Information security management systems-overviewand vocabulary
1 scope
This document provides the overview of information security management systems (1SMS). It alsoprovides terms and definitions commonly used in the ISMs family of standards. This document isapplicable to all types and sizes of organization (e.g.commercial enterprises, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations).
The terms and definitions provided in this document

  • cover commonly used terms and definitions in the ISMS family of standards;
  • do not cover all terms and definitions applied within the ISMS family of standards; and-do not limit the ISMS family of standards in defining new terms for use.
    2Normative references
    There are no normative references in this document.
    3Terms and definitions
    lS0 and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:- ISO online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
    —IEC Electropedia: available at https:.//www.electropedia.org/
    access control
    means to ensure that access to assets is authorized and restricted based on business and securityrequirements ([3.56]
    attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorizeduse of an asset
    systematic, independent and documented process (3.54) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating itobjectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled

ISO/IEC 17799:2005(E) lnformation technology -Security techniques-Code of practice for information security management
This International Standard establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating,implementing,maintaining. and improving information security management in an organization."The objectivesoutlined in this International Standard provide general guidance on the commonly accepted goals ofinformation security management.
The control objectives and controls of this International Standard are intended to be implemented tomeet the requirements identified by a risk assessment. This International Standard may serve as apractical guideline for developing organizational security standards and effective security managementpractices and to help build confidence in inter-organizational activities.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.2.1
anything that has value to the organization[ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
means of managing risk,including policies,procedures,guidelines,practices or organizationalstructures, which can be of administrative, technical, management, or legal nature
NOTE Control is also used as a synonym for safeguard or countcrmcasure.
a description that clarifies what should be done and how, to achieve the objectives sct out in policics[ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
information processing facilities
any information processing system, service or infrastructure, or the physical locations housing them2.5
information security
preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information;in addition,other properties,such as authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation, and reliability can also be involved

ISO/IEC 29100:2011(E) lnformation technology -Security techniques-Privacy framework
This lnternational Standard provides a privacy framework which

  • specifies a common privacy terminology;
    defines the actors and their roles in processing personally identifiable information (PIl);- describes privacy safeguarding considerations: and
    provides references to known privacy principles for information technology.
    This International Standard is applicable to natural persons and organizations involved in specifying,procuring,architecting,designing,developing,testing,maintaining,administering,and operatinginformation and communication technology systems or services where privacy controls are requiredfor the processing of PII.
    Terms and definitions
    For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
    NOTEin order to make it easier to use the IiSonIEC 27000 family of international Standards in the specific context ofprivacy and to integrate privacy concepts in the lSO/IEc 27000 context,the table in Annex A provides the lSOlIEc 27000concepts that correspond with the lSOlIEC 29100 concepts used in this International Standard.
    characteristic of information that does not permit a personally identifiable information principal to beidentified directly or indirectly
    process by which personally identifiable information(PIl) is irreversibly altered in such a way that aPll principal can no longer be identified directly or indirectly, either by the Pll controller alone or incollaboration with any other party

ISO/IEC 38500:2015(E) Information technology — Governance of IT for the organization
1 Scope
This International Standard provides guiding principles for members of governing bodies oforganizations(which can comprise owners, directors, partners, executive managers, or similar) on theeffective, efficient, and acceptable use of information technology (IT) within their organizations.
lt also provides guidance to those advising, informing, or assisting governing bodies.They includethe following:
executive managers;
members of groups monitoring the resources within the organization;
external business ortechnical specialists, such as legal or accounting specialists,retail or industrialassociations,or professional bodies;
internal and external service providers (including consultants);-auditors.
This International Standard applies to the governance of the organization's current and future use ofITincluding management processes and decisions related to the current and future use of IT.Theseprocesses can be controlled by IT specialists within the organization, external service providers, orbusiness units within the organization.
This International Standard defines the governance of lT as a subset or domain of organizationalgovernance, or in the case of a corporation, corporate governance.
This International Standard is applicable to all organizations, including public and private companies,government entities, and not-for-profit organizations. This International Standard is applicable toorganizations of all sizes from the smallest to the largest, regardless of the extent of their use of lT.The purpose of this International Standard is to promote effective,efficient, and acceptable use of lT inall organizations by
assuring stakeholders that, if the principles and practices proposed by the standard are followed,they can have confidence in the organization's governance of Ii,
informing and guiding governing bodies in governing the use of lT in their organization, andestablishing a vocabulary for the governance of IT.

Designation: D6127-21 Standard Practice for Handling,Transportation, and Storage of HFC-23(Trifluoromethane, CHF3)1

  1. Scope
    1.1 This practice covers guidance and direction to suppliers.purchasers,"and users in the handling,transportation, andstorage of HFC-23.
    1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard.The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to Sl units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.
    1.3 This stanrdard does nor purport to address all of rthesafety conIcernas.if any. associcted wirh irs use. It is therespowasibility of the user of this sicanxdard to establish appro-priate seafery,healsie, cand ertvironntenal practices and deter-msive The applicabiliry of regudatory limirations prior to use.
    1.4 This interncriowal srandard was developed ir caccor-dance wirh inernctiocrlly recognized principles owr sfandard-ization esiablished in the Decisiow on Principles for theDevelopmenr of Internacational Standards,Guides and Recow-mevxddcriovs issued by the World Trade Organizcation TechniccalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Conmniee.
    2.Referenced Documents
    2.1 ASTM Standard:2
    D6126/D6126M Specification
    2.2 CGA Standarcds.3
    c-6 Standards for Visual Inspection of Steel CompressedGas Cylinders
    c-7 Guide to Classification and Labeling of CompressedGases
    P-l Stanclard for Safe Handling of Compressed Gases inContainers

Designation: D6700-19 Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel'

  1. Scope
    1.1 This guide covers and prowides guidance for the matc-rial recowery of scrap tires for their fuel value.The convcrsionof a whole scrap tire into a chipped formed for use as a fuelproduces a product called tire-derived fuel(TDF).This recov-ery guide has moved from a pioneering concept in the early1980s to a proven and continuous use in the United Stales withinclustrial and utility applications.
    1.2 Combustion units engincered to use solid fuels, such ascoal or wood, or both , are fairly numerous throughout the U.s.Many of these units are now using TDF even though they werenot specifically designed to burn TDF.It is clear that TDF hasconbustion charactcristics similar to other carbon-based solidfuels. Similarities led to pragmatic testing in cxisting combus-tion units.Suocessful testing led to subsequent acceptance ofTDFas a supplemental fuel when blended with conventionalfuels in existing combustion devices. Changes required tomodify appropriatc existing combustion units to accommodateTDF range from none to relatively minor.The issucs of properapplications and specifications are critical to successful utili-ation of this altenative energy resource.
    1.3 This guidle explainsTDFTs use when blended andcombusted under normal opcrating conditions with originallyspecificd fucls. Wholc-tirc combustion for energy recovery isnot discussed herein. since whole-tire _usage does not requiretire processing to a defined fuel specification.
    1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedlas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to Sl units that are provided for informnation onlyand are not considered standard.
    1.5 This standard does or parpori go address all ef thesefety cownceres.if ary. associcared wih is uese. I is heresporasibiliry of rhe user of rhis siaradard vo estaDliskxappro-priare sofery. healti, and erewirornewaaas practices and deter-irine the appliccbiliry of vegarlasory lioitations prior to wse

Designation: D6804-19 Standard Guide for Hand Hole Design in Corrugated Boxes1

  1. Scope
    1.1 This standEard provides guidelines for designing pre-cutapertures intcndled for use as hand holles in corrugated boxesduring manual handling of boxed cargo.
    1.2Limitationas—This standard ofers guidance for packagedevelopment and for subsequent testing of boxes to measureperformance. It is non intended lo provide specific informationon the design of hand holes.
    1.3 The valucs staled in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard.The Sl units are for information only.
    14 Tais stardard does nor purpor Io address all of thesefety cowcerns.ifany. associcred wihits use.Ir is theresporasibiliry of rhe aser of rhis stancaxrd to establishr appro-pricre seafery. healtl,ard esewiroraavertsal practices annd deter-arainte the applicabiliry ef regexlatosry 8irotisaxlionxs prior to nse..
    1.5 This iasernatioral standerd was develaxped inaaccor-dance with ionernuasionaily recognized principles on standard-izeriowr esteblished ior the Decisiovr on Prirciples for aheDeveloporterae of Iraveroicerional Srecardards,Gxeiles anad Recora-araeredatioras issiaed boy the Worid Trade OrgaraizaviorsTechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Coirtee.
  2. Referenced Documents
    2.1 ASTM Sraxrrdards:2
    D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-ments
    D1974 Practice for Methods of CLosing. Scaling. and Rein-forcing Fiberboard Boxes
    D4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers,Packages.orPackaging Components for Testing
    D5276 Test Method for Drop Test of Loaded Containers byFree Fall
    D5445 Practice for Pictorial Markings for Handling ofGoods

Designation: D6913-04 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using SieveAnalysis1

  1. Scope
    1.1 Soils consist of particles with various shapes and sizes.This test method is used to separate particles into size rangesand to determine quantitatively the mass of particles in cachrange.These data are combined to determine the particle-sizedistribution (gradation).This test method uses a square open-ing sieve criterion in determining the gradation of soil betweenthe 3-in.(75-mm) and No.200(75-Jum) sieves.
    1.2 Thc terms,soils and material, are used intcrchangcablythroughout the standard.
    1.3 In cases where the gradation of particles larger than 3 in.( 75 mm) sieve is required,Test Method D 5519 may be used.
    1.4 In cases where the gradation of particles smaller thanNo. 200 (75-um) sieve is required, Test Method D 4227 may beused.
    1.5 Typically. if the maximum particle size is equal to orless than the 4.75 mm (No. 4 sieve),then single-set sieving isapplicable. Furthermore,if the maximum particle size isgreater than the 4.75 mm (No. 4 sieve) and equal to or less thanthe 9.5-mm (A-in sieve).then cither singlc-set sieving orcomposite sieving is applicable. Finally.if the maximum

Designation: D6938-17 Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)1

  1. Scope
    1.1 This test method describes the procedures for measuringin-pliace density and moisture of soil and soil-aggregate by useof nucear equipment (hereafter referred to asgauge""y.Thedensity of the material may be measured by directtransmission,backscatcr, or backscatterVair-gap ratio methods.Measurements for water (moisture) content arc iaken at thesurface in backscatter mode regardless of the mode being usedfor density.
    1.1.1 For limitations see Section 5 on Intcrferences.
    1.2 The total or wet density of soil and soill-aggregate ismcasured by the attenuation of gamma raliation where.indirect transmission, the source is placed at a known depth up to300 mm (12 in.) and the detector(s) remains on the surface( some gauges may reverse this orientation); or in backscatter orbackscatterVair-gap the source and deleclorisy both remain onthe surface.
    1.2.1The density of the test sample in mass per unit volumeis calculatedd by comparing the detected rate of gamma radia-tion with previously established calibration data.
    1.2.2The dry density of the test sample is obtained bysubtracting the water mass per unit volumc from the testsample wet density (Section 11). Most gaugcs display thisvalue directly.
    1.3 The gauge is calibrated lo read thec water mass per unitvolume of soill or soil-aggregate.When divided by the densityof water and then multiplied by l00.the waler mass per unitvolume is cquivallent to the volumetric watcr contcnt.Thewatcr mass per unit volume is dctermined by the thcrmalizingor slowing of fast neutrons by hydrogen, a component of water.

Designation: D7234-21 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete UsingPortable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers1

  1. Scope
    1.1 This test method covers procedures for evaluating thepull-off adhesion strength of a coating on concrete.The testdetermines the greatest perpendicular force (in tension) that asurface area can bear before a plug of material is detached.Failure will occur along the weakest plane within the systemcomprised of the loading fixture,glue,coating system,andsubstrate,and will be exposed by the fracture surface.
    1.2 This test method uses a class of apparatus known asportable pull-off adhesion testers.3They are capable of apply-ing a concentric load and counler load to a single surface sothat coatings can be tested even though only one side isaccessible. Measurements are limited by the strength of adhe-sion boncls between the loading fixture,coating system and thesubstrate or the cohesive strengths of the glue, coating layers.and substrate.
    1.3 This test method is suitable for both laboratory and fieldtesting.
    1.4 Pull-off adhesion strength measurements depend uponboth material and instrumental parameters.There are differentinstruments used that comply with this tcst method. Thespecific instrument used should be identified when reportingresults. This test is destructive and spot repairs may benecessary.
    1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard.The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.
    l.6 This standard does nor puarport to address all of thescafety concernas.if ary. as.sociated with irs use. It is there spowsibility of the user of this sfandard to establisha appro-priete safevy,eara,and environPenial practices and deter-nsine rhe applicabiliry of reguiatory linuitations prior to use.

Designation: E1077-14 Standard Test Methods for Estimating the Depth of Decarburization of SteelSpecimens1

  1. Scope
    1.1 These test methods cover procedures for estimating the
    depth of decarburization of steels irrespectih of thecomposition.matrix microstructurc,or section shapc.The
    following basic procedures may be used:
    1.1.1 Screening methods.
    1.1.2 Microscopical methods.
    1.1.3 Microindentation hardness methods.
    1.1.4 Chemical analysis methods.
    1.2 In case of a dispute, the rigorous quantitative or lineal
    analysis method (see 7.3.5and 7.3.o vsha with taeyreress-method. These methods can be employed with any crOss-
    sectional shape.The chemical analytical methods generally
    reveal a greater depth of decarburization than the mirascd pw-cal mcthocs but are limited to certain simple shapes and by
    availability of equipment.These techniques are generallyreserved for research studies.The microindentation hardness
    method is suitable for accuratc mcasurementsuotfu araeneastructures with relatively homogenoous microstructures.
    1.3 The values stated in Sl units are to be regarded as
    standard.No other units of measurement are incluaea in thnisstandard.
    1.4 This stavddard cdoes nor puarport irg afddress. aTs is rhescafety concerns. if cray. associcted wirh irs use. It is the
    respovasibility of the user of this slandard to estcblish appro-priere safery ane healrh practices and deternise the applica-bility of regulatovy limitatios prior to use.

Designation: E1086-14 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Spark AtomicEmission Spectrometry1

  1. Scope
    1.l This test mcthod3covers the analysis of austeniticstainless stcel by spark atomic cmission vacuum spectromctryfor the following clemcnts in the rangcs shown
    Compositioen Hanga,%
    170Do 23.0
    0.01 to 3.0
    0.01to 2.00.D1to 0.90
    0.otto 0.300.005 to 0.25
    0.003 to 0.0650.003 tO 0.15
    1.2This test method is designed for the routine analysis ofchill-cast disks or inspection testing of stainless sleel simplesthat hawe a flan surface of at least 13 mm (0.5 in.) in dianeter.The samples must be sufliciently massive to prevent overhea-ing during the dischange and of a similar metallurgical condi-tion and composition as the reference materials.
    1.3 One or more of the reference materials must closelyapproximate the composition of the specimen.The techniqueof analyzing reference matcrials with unknowns and pcrform-ing the indicated mathematical corrcctions may also be used tocorrect for interference effects and to compensate for errorsresulting from instrument drift.A varicty of such systems arecomnonly used. Any of these that will achieve analyticalaccuracy equivalent to that reported for this test method areacceptable.
    l.4 This starsdard does nor purpor o address all of thesafety cowIcers.ifany, associcred with its wse. Ir is theresporasibiliry of rhe uaser of this standard to establishr appro-pricre sefety anvd healthe poractices cerd deternrainte the applica-bilisy of regulatovy liitatiors orior vo sse,

Designation: E140-12b Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, KnoopHardness, Scleroscope Hardness, and Leeb Hardness1

  1. Scope*
    1.l Conversion Table 1 presents data in the Rockwell chardness range on the relationship among Brinell hardness,Vickers hardness,Rockwell hardness,Rockwell superficialhardness,Knoop hardness,and Scleroscope hardness of non-austenitic steels including carbon.alloy,and tool steels in theas-forged, annealed, normalized,and quenched and temperedconditions provided that they are homogeneous.
    1.2 ConversionTable 2 presents data in the Rockwell Bhardness range on the rclationship among Brincll hardness,Vickers hardness,Rockwell hardness,Rockwell superficialhardness,Knoop hardness,and Scleroscope hardness of non-austenitic steels including carbon,alloy,and tool steels in theas-forged,annealed, normalized,and quenched and temperedconditions provided that they are homogeneous.
    1.3 Conversion Table 3 presents data on the relationshipamong Brincll hardness, Vickers hardness,Rockwell hardness,Rockwell superficial hardness,and Knoop hardness of nickeland high-nickel alloys (nickel content over 50 张). Thesehardness conversion relationships are intended to apply par-ticularly to thc following: nickel-aluminum-silicon specimensfinished to commercial mill standards for hardness testing,covering the entire range of these alloys from their annealed totheir heavily cold-worked or age-hardened conditions,includ-ing their intcrmediatc conditions.
    1.4 Conversion Table 4 presents data on the relationshipamong Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness. Rockwell hardness,and Rockwell superficial hardness of cartridge brass.
    1.5 Conversion Table 5 presents data on the relationshipbetween Brinell hardness and Rockwell B hardness of auste-nitic stainless steel plate in the anncaled condition.

Designation: E1444/E1444M - 16r1 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing1

  1. Scope*
    1.1 This practice establishes minimum requirements formagnetic particle testing used for the detection of surface orslightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic material.Guidc E709 can be used in conjunction with this practice as atutorial.
    NoE 1—This Practice replaces MIL-STD-1949.
    1.2 The magnetic particle testing method is used to detectcracks.laps,seams,inclusions,and other discontinuities on ornear the surface of ferromagnetic materials.Magnetic particletesting may be applied to raw material,billets,finished andsemi-finished materials,welds,and in-service parts.Magneticparticle testing is not applicable to non-ferromagnetic metalsand alloys such as austenitic stainless steels. See Appendix Xlfor additional information.
    1.3 All areas of this Practice may be open to agrcemcntbetween the Cognizant Engineering Organization and thesupplier, or specific direction from the Cognizant EngineeringOrganization.
    1.4 This standard is a combined standard, an ASTM stan-dard in which rationalized Sl units and inch-pound units areincluded in the same standard,with each system of units to beregarded separately as standard.
    1.4.1 Unirs——The values stated in either Sl units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. Thevalues stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other.Combining values from the lwo systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.
    1.5 This standard does nor purpor to address all of thescxfery concerns.if aay. associatedd with its use. Ir is theresponsibiliry of the user of rhis sianedard to esiablish appro-

Designation: E155-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for lnspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings1
1.1These reference radiographs illustrate the rypes anddegrees of discontinuities that may be found in aluminum-alloyand magnesium-alloy castings.The castings illustrated are inthicknesses of a in.(6.35 mm) and 4 in.(19.I mm). Thereference radiograph films are an adjunct to this document andshall be purchased separately from ASTM lnternational ifneeded.
1.2These film reference radiographs are not intended toillustrale the types and degrees of discontinuities found inaluminun-allay and magnesiun-alloy castings whcn perform-ing digital radiography. If performing digital radiography ofaluminumn-alloy castings. refer to Digital Reference ImageStandard E2422.Ifperforming digital radiography ofmagnesium-alloy castings.refer to Digital Reference ImageStandard E2869.
1.3This document may be used where no other applicabledocument exists,for other materiall thicknesses for which it hasbeen found to be applicable and for which agreement has beenrcached betwecn the purchaser and the manufacturer.
1.4 From time to time,there may be minor changes to theprOcess for manufacturing of the rcference radiograph adjunctimaterials.These chamges coulld include changes in the films orprocessing chcmicals used, changcs in the dies or printing forthe cardboard mats.ctc.; however, in all cases.these changesare reviewed by the lIlustration Monitoring Subcommittoe andall reference radiographs are reviewed against a fixed prototypeimage to ensure thar there are no changes to the acceptancelevel represented by the reference radiographs.Therefore. theadjunct reference radiographs remain valid for use with thisstancard regardless of the datc of production or the revisionlevel of the text standard.

Designation:E165-09 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General lndustry1

  1. Scope
    1.1 This practice2 covers procedures for penetrant examina-tion of materials.Penetrant testing is a nondestructive testing
    method for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surfacesuch as cracks, scams,laps, cold shuts, shrinkagc,laminations,
    through leaks, or lack of fusion and is applicable to in-process,final, and maintenance testing. It can be effectively used in theexamination of nonporous,metallic materials,ferrous andnonfcrrous mmctals. and of nonmctallic materials such as non-porous glazed or fully densified ceramics, as well as certainnonporous plastics, and glass.
    1.2 This practice allso provides a reference:
    1.2.1 By 'which a liquid penetrant_ examination processrecommended or required by individual organizations can bereviewed to ascertain its applicability and completeness.
    1.2.2 For use in the preparation of process specifications andprocedures dealing with the liquid penetrant testing of parts
    and materials.Agreement by the customer requesting penetrantinspection is strongly recommended.All areas of this practicemay be open to agreement between the cognizant engineeringorganization and the supplier,or specific direction from thecognizant engineering organization.
    1.2.3 For use in the organization of facilities and pcrsonnelconcerned with liquid penetrant testing.
    1.3 This practice does not indicate or suggest criteria forevaluation of the indications obtained by penetrant testing. Itshould be pointed out,however,that after indications havebeen found, they must be interpreted or classified and thenevaluated. For this purpose there must be a separate code,standard,or a specific agreement to define the type.size,location.and direction of indications considcred acceptablc,and those considered unacceptable.
    1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. Sl units are provided for infonmation only.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafery concerns。ifcaray. associated wirhn irs uese. I is rherespovasibility of the user of this siandard to estcblish appro-

Designation: E186-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41/2 in.(50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings1

  1. Scope
    l.l These reference radiographs3 illustratevariouscafegories,types,and severity levels of discontinuities occur-ring in steel castings that have section thicknesses of 2 to lessthan 41/ in. (50.8 to 114 mm). The reference radiograph filmsare an adjunct to this document and must be purchasedseparatcly from ASTM International,if nceded (see 2.2).Categories and severity levels for each discontinuity typerepresented by these reference radiographs are described in 1.2.Note that the basis of application for these reference radio-graphs requires a prior purchaser/supplier agreement of radio-graphic examination attributes and classification criterion asdescribed in Sections 4,6,and 7 of this standard. Referenceradiographs for other steel casting thicknesses may be found inReference Radiograph standards E446 and E280. ReferenceRadiograph standards E446 and E280 provide some overlap ofseverity levels for similar discontinuity categorics within thesame energy level range (see 4.2,5.1,and 6.3)
    1.2 These reference radiographs consist of three separatcvolumes as follows:
    1.2.1 Volume I: 1-MV X-rays and lridium-192 (called “l to2—Mev X-rays"" in previous editions)-Set of 28 plates (oincal5 by S in.( 127 by 203 mm) in a 15 by 17 in.(381 by 432 mm)ring binder).
    1.2.2 Volume ll: 2 to 4-MV X-rays and Cobalt-60(called"gamma rays"" in previous editions).This includes cobalt-60 orequivalent isotope racdiation and from 2-MV up to 4-MV-rays- Set of 28 plates (reowinal 5 by 8 in.) in a i5 by 17 in.ring binder.
    1.2.3 Volume lI:4-MV to 30-MV X-rays (called“10 to24 Mev X-rays" in previous editions)- Set of 28 plates (noni-nal 5 by 8 in.) in a 15 by 17 in. ring binder.
    1.2.4Unless otherwise specifiedin a purchascr supplicragreement (see 1.1), cach volume is for comparison only with

Designation: E23-18 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials1

  1. Scope=
    1.1 These test methods describe notched-bar impact testingof metallic materials by the Charpy (simple-beam) test and theIzod (cantilever-beam) test.They give the requirements for:tcst specimens,test procedures,test reports,test machines (secAnnex Al ) verifying Charpy impact machines (see Annex A2),optional test specimen configurations (see Annex A3).desig-
    nation of test specimen orientation (see Terminology E1823).and determining the shear fracture appearance (seeAnnex A4).
    Inaddition. information is provided on the significance ofnolched-bar impact testing (see Appendix X1), and methods of
    measuring the center of strike (see Appendix X2).
    1.2 These test methods do not address the problems associ-ated with impact testing at temperatures below -196 C(77 K).
    1.3 The values stated in sl units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in this
    1.3.1Erceprion—Section 9 and Annex A4 provide inch-pound units for information only.
    l.4 7his stadard does nor purport to address all of theseafety conceras.if any. associated wirh irs sse. I is there sponsibility of the ueser of this srandard to establisw appro-pricte sefery.healrha. and erivironntevutal practices and deter-ersiore he applicabilisy of regselatory liritcatios prior to 8se.Specific precautionary statements are given in Section 6.
    1.5 This internarional standard was developed in accor-dance wirh internctionally recognized principles ov siandard-ization established in the Decisiow on Principles for theDevelopmenr of initernational Srandardds,Guides and Recow-mendetiows isseed by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers ro Trade(TBT) Counissee.

Designation: E2810-19 Standard Practice for Demonstrating Capability to Comply with the Test forUniformity of Dosage Units1

  1. Scope
    1.l This practice provides a general procedure for evaluat-ing the capability to comply with the niformity of DosageUnits (UDUy test. This test is given in General Chapter <905>Uniformity of Dosage Units of the USP, in 2.9.40 Uniformityof Dosage Units of the Ph. Eur.,and in 6.02 Uniformity ofDosage Units of thc JP, and these versions are virtuallyinterchangeable. For this multiple-stage test, the procedurecomputes a lower bound on the probability of passing the UDUtest,based on statistical estimates made at a prescribedconfidcnce level from a samplc of dosage units.
    1.2 This methodology can bc used to gencrate an acceptancelimit table,which defines a set of sample means and standardideviations that assures passing the UDU test for a prescribedlower probability bound,confidence level, and sample size.
    1.3 This standard does nor purporr to acldress all of theseafety concerns,if cany. associated wish irs use. It is therespowsibility of the user of this standard to establis appro-pricte scfety,healr. cnd erviroraenral practices and deter-eraive the applicabiliry of re guietory livirations prior to use.
    1.4 This inrerncrional siandard was cdeveloped i accor-dance wirh inrernsarioally recognized principles on sandcrd-ization esiablished in the Decisiov on Principles for rheDevelopnenr of Inxterrictional Srandards,Guides and Recoww-mewdcrions issued by the World Trade Organization TechicalBarriers ro Trade (TBTy Cowmaanisee.
    2.Referenced Documents
    2.1 ASTM Standards:2
    E2363 Terminology Relating to Process Analytical Technol-ogy in the Pharmaceutical Industry