分类 国外标准 下的文章

IEC 60417-1:2000 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR USE ON EQUIPMENT-Part 1: overview and application
1 scope
This part of lEC 60417 contains graphical symbols and their meaning (title and application).The graphical symbols in the standard are primarily intended
.to identify the equipment or a part of the equipment (e.g. a control or display);.to indicate functional states (e.g. on, off,alarm);
to designate connections (e.g. terminals, filling points for materials);
.to provide information on packaging (e.g. identification of content, instructions for handling);.to provide instruction for the operation of the equipment (e.g. limitations of use).
This part 1 provides reference information to help users find appropriate graphical symbols.This part is not intended for reproduction purposes.
The graphical symbols specified in this standard are not primarily intended for. safety signs;
public information;use for drawings;
.use in technical documentation of products.
ln the case of the use of graphical symbols as safety signs, the rules specified in lSO 3864prevail.

IEC 60502-2:2005 PoWER CABLES wITH EXTRUDED INSULATIONAND THEIR ACCESSORIES FOR RATED VOLTAGESFROM 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) UP TO 30 kV (um= 36 kV) -Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV(Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
1 Scope
This part of lEC 60502 specifies the construction, dimensions and test requirements of powercables with extruded solid insulation from 6 kV up to 30 kV for fixed installations such asdistribution networks or industrial installations.
When determining applications,it is recommended that the possible risk of radial wateringress is considered. Cable designs with barriers claimed to prevent longitudinal waterpenetration and an associated test are included in this part of lEC 60502.
Cables for special installation and service conditions are not included, for example cables foroverhead networks, the mining industry, nuclear power plants (in and around the containmentarea) nor for submarine use or shipboard application.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60038,IEC standard voltages
IEC 60060-1,High-voltage test techniques - Part1: General definitions and testrequirements
lEC 60183,Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables

This standard describes a system for classifying the degrees of protection provided by theenclosures of electrical equipment. Whilst this system is suitable for use with most types ofelectrical equipment,it should not be assumed that all the listed degrees of protection areapplicable to a particular type of equipment. The manufacturer of the equipment should beconsulted to determine the degrees of protection available and the parts of equipment towhich the stated degree of protection applies.
The adoption of this classification system,wherever possible,will promote uniformity inmethods of describing the protection provided by the enclosure and in the tests to prove thevarious degrees of protection. It should also reduce the number of types of test devicesnecessary to test a wide range of products.
This second edition of IEC 529 takes account of experiences with the first edition,andclarifies the requirements. It provides for an optional extension of the IP Code by anadditional letter A, B,C, or D if the actual protection of persons against access to hazardousparts is higher than that indicated by the first characteristic numeral.
In general,enclosures with an IP coding to the first edition would be eligible for the samecode according to this edition.
This standard applies to the classification of degrees of protection provided byenclosures for electrical equipment with a rated voltage not exceeding 72,5 kv.

IEC 617-2:1996 Graphical symbols for diagrams -Part 2:Symbol elements, qualifying symbols and other symbols having general application
The scope and the normative references for this series are given in lEC 617-1.
Symbols have been designed in accordance with requirements given in the future lSo 11714-1Themodule size M = 2,5 mm has been used.For better readability smaller symbols in this standard have beenenlarged to double size and are marked "200 %" in the symboi column.To save space larger symbols havebeen reduced to half size and are marked "50 %" in the symbol column. ln accordance with the futureISO 11714-1, clause 7, symbol dimensions (for instance height) may be modified in order to make space fora greater number of terminals or for other layout requirements. In all cases, whether the size is enlarged orreduced, or dimensions modified, the thickness of the original line should be maintained without scaling.
The symbols in this standard are laid out in such a way that the distance between connecting lines is amultipie of a certain module.The module 2M has been chosen to provide enough space for a requiredterminal designation. The symbols have been drawn to a size convenient for comprehension,using thesame grid consistently in the representation of all symbols.
All symbols are designed within a grid in a computer-aided draughting system.The grid which was used hasbeen reproduced in the background of the symbols.
The older symbols which were included in appendix A of the first edition of IEC 617-2 for a transitionalperiod, are no longer part of this second edition, as they will definitely be withdrawn from use.
The indexes in Annex B and C include an alphabetic list of symbol names and their corresponding number.The symbol names are based on the description of the symbols of this part. A general index including analphabetic list of symbols of all parts is given in lEC 617-1.

IEC 60947-7-4:2013 Low-vOLTAGE sWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR-Part 7-4: Ancillary equipment-PCB terminal blocks for copper conductors
1 General
This part of lEC 60947 specifies requirements for PCB terminal blocks primarily intended forindustrial or similar use.
Mounting and fixing on the printed circuit board is made by soldering, press-in or equivalentmethods to provide electrical and mechanical connection between copper conductors and theprinted circuit board.
This standard applies to PCB terminal blocks intended to connect copper conductors,with orwithout special preparation,having a cross-section between 0,05 mm2 and 300 mm2(AWG30/600 kcmil), intended to be used in circuits of a rated voltage not exceeding 1 000 v a.c.upto 1 000 Hz or 1 500 V d.c.
NOTE1 Large cross section terminal blocks are dedicated to specific design of high current PCBs. The range upto 300 mm3 is kept to cover any possible application.Examples of high current PCBs and PCB terminal blocks areshown in Annex c.
NOTE 2 AwG is the abbreviation of “American Wire Gage”(Gage (uS) = Gauge(UK));kcmil = 1 000 cmil;
1 cmil = 1 circular mil = surface of a circle having a diameter of 1 mil;1 mil = 1/1 000 inch.
This standard may be used as a guide for special types of PCB terminal blocks withcomponents,such as disconnect units,integrated cartridge fuse-links and the like.
lf applicable,in this standard the term “clamping unit”is used instead of “terminal".This istaken into account in case of references to lEC60947-1.

lEC 60950-22:2016 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT -SAFETY-Part 22: Equipment to be installed outdoors
1.1Equipment covered
This part of lEC 60950 applies to information technology equipment intended to be installed inan oUTDOOR LOCATION.
The requirements for ouTDoOR EQUIPMENT also apply,where relevant, to oUTDOoRENCLOSUREs suitable for direct installation in the field and supplied for housing informationtechnology equipment to be installed in an ouTDOOR LOCATION.
1.2Additional requirements
Each installation may have particular requirements. Some examples are given in 4.2. Inaddition, requirements for protection of the ouTDoOR EQUIPMENT against the effects of directlightning strikes are not covered by the standard. For information on this subject, seelEc 62305-1.
Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document andare indispensable for its application.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references,the latest edition of the referenced document (including anyamendments) applies.
IEC 60068-2-11,Environmental testing procedures - Part 2-11:Tests - Test Ka: Salt mist
lEC 60364 (all parts),Low-voltage electrical installations

IEC 61000-4-29:2000 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC)-Part 4-29: Testing and measurement techniques -Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests
1 Scope and object
This part of lEC 61000 defines test methods for immunity to voltage dips, short interruptionsand voltage variations at the d.c. input power port of electrical or electronic equipment.
This standard is applicable to low voltage d.c. power ports of equipment supplied by externald.c. networks.
The object of this standard is to establish a common and reproducible basis for testingelectrical and electronic equipment when subjected to voltage dips,short interruptions orvoltage variations on d.c. input power ports.
This standard defines:

  • the range of test levels;- the test generator;
  • the test set-up;
    -the test procedure.
    The test described hereinafter applies to electrical and electronic equipment and systems. ltalso applies to modules or subsystems whenever the EUT (equipment under test) rated poweris greater than the test generator capacity specified in clause 6.
    The ripple at the d.c. input power port is not included in the scope of this part of lEC 61000. Itis covered by lEC 61000-4-171)

IEC 61131-1:2003(E) PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLERS -Part 1: General information
This Part of lEC 61131 applies to programmable controllers(PLC) and their associated peri-pherals such as programming and debugging tools (PADTs), human-machine interfaces(HMls),etc.,which have as their intended use the control and command of machines andindustrial processes.
PLCs and their associated peripherals are intended to be used in an industrial environmentand may be provided as open or enclosed equipment. lf a PLC or its associated peripherals areintended for use in other environments,then the specific requirements,standards andinstallation practices for those other environments must be additionally applied to the PLCand its associated peripherals.
The functionality of a programmable controller can be performed as well on a specific hardwareand software platform as on a general-purpose computer or a personal computer with industrialenvironment features. This standard applies to any products performing the function of PLCsand/or their associated peripherals.This standard does not deal with the functional safety orother aspects of the overall automated system. PLCs, their application programme and theirassociated peripherals are considered as components of a control system.
Since PLCs are component devices,safety considerations for the overall automated systemincluding installation and application are beyond the scope of this Part.However, PLC safety asrelated to electric shock and fire hazards, electrical interference immunity and error detectingof the PLC-system operation (such as the use of parity checking,self-testing diagnostics,etc.),are addressed.Refer to lEC 60364 or applicable national/local regulations for electrical instal-lation and guidelines.
This Part of lEC 61131 gives the definitions of terms used in this standard. lt identifies theprincipal functional characteristics of programmable controller systems.

IEC 61439-2:2009 Low-vOLTAGE swITCHGEAR ANDcONTROLGEAR ASSEMBLIES -Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies
1 Scope
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:
This standard defines the specific requirements of power switchgear and controlgearassemblies (Psc-ASSEMBLIEs), the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1000 v a.c. or1500 V d.c.
Throughout this part,the abbreviation Psc-ASSEMBLY is used for a power switchgear andcontrolgear ASSEMBLY (see 3.1.101).
This standard does not apply to the specific types of ASSEMBLIEs covered by other parts ofIEC61439.
Normative references
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:
IEC 60947-3:1999,Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switchgear,disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
IEC 61140:2001,Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation andequipment - Basic safety publication

1.1This part of lEC 61508 contains an overview of various safety techniques and measuresrelevant to lEC 61508-2 and lEC 61508-3.
NOTE The references should be considered as basic references to methods and tools or as examples, and maynot represent the state of the art.
1.2 IEC 61508-1,IEC 61508-2,IEC 61508-3 and lEC 61508-4 are basic safety publications,although this status does not apply in the context of low-complexity E/E/PE 'safety-relatedsystems (see 3.4.4 of lEC 61508-4).As basic safety publications, they are intended for use bytechnical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principlescontained in lEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51.IEC 61508 is also intended for use as astand-alone standard.
One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use ofbasic safety publications in the preparation of its own publications. In this context,therequirements, test methods or test conditions of this basic safety publication will not applyunless specifically referred to or included in the publications prepared by those technicalcommittees.
NOTE 1 The functional safety of an E/E/PE safety-related system can only be achieved when all relatedrequirements are met. Therefore it is important that all related requirements are carefully considered andadequately referenced.
NOTE 2 In the USA and Canada, until the proposed process sector implementation of lEC 61508(i.e.IEC 61511)is published as an international standard in the USA and Canada, existing national process safety standards basedon IEC 61508 (i.e.ANSIISA S84.01-1996) can be applied to the process sector instead of lEC 61508.
1.3 Figure 1 shows the overall framework for parts 1 to 7 of this standard and indicates therole that lEC 61508-7 plays in the achievement of functional safety for E/E/PE safety-relatedsystems.

IEC 61511-2 provides guidance on the specification,design,installation,operation andmaintenance of Safety instrumented Functions and related safety instrumented system asdefined in lEC 61511-1.This standard has been organized so that each clause and subclausenumber herein addresses the same clause number in lEC 61511-1(with the exception of theannexes).
2Normative references
No further guidance provided.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
No further guidance provided except for 3.2.68 and 3.2.71 of lEC 61511-1.
3.2.68 A safety function should prevent a specified hazardous event.For example,"preventthe pressure in vessel #ABC456 exceeding 100 bar." A safety function may be achieved bya) a single safety instrumented system (SIs), or
b) one or more safety instrumented systems and/or other layers of protection.
In case b), each safety instrumented system or other layer of protection has to be capable ofachieving the safety function and the overall combination has to achieve the required riskreduction (process safety target).
3.2.71 Safety instrumented functions are derived from the safety function,have anassociated safety integrity level (SIL) and are carried out by a specific safety instrumentedsystem (SlS).For example, "close valve #XY123 within 5 s when pressure in vessel #ABC456reaches 100 bar". Note that components of a safety instrumented system may be used by

INSUBSTATIONS -Part 2: Glossary
1 Scope
This part of the lEC 61850 series applies to Substation Automation Systems(SAS). lt definesthe communication between intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in the substation and therelated system requirements.
This part of the lIEC 61850 series contains the glossary of specific terminology and definitionsused in the context of Substation Automation Systems within the various parts of the standard.
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to all parts of the lEC 61850 series2.
abstract communication service interface
virtual interface to an lED providing abstract information modelling methods for logical devices,logical nodes, data, and data attributes, and communication services for example connection,variable access, unsolicited data transfer, device control and file transfer services, independentof the actual communication stack and profiles used
[lEC 61850-1]
access point
communication access point to an lED.This may be a serial port,an Ethernet connection, or aclient or server address dependent on the stack being used.Each access point of an lED to acommunication bus is uniquely identified.Each server has only one, logical, access point

IEC 61851-22:2001 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONDUCTIVE CHARGING sYSTEM-Part 22: AC electric vehicle charging station
1 Scope
This part of lEC 61851,together with part 1 , gives the requirements for a.c. electric vehiclecharging stations for conductive connection to an electric vehicle,with a.c. supply voltagesaccording to lEC 60038 up to 690 v.
This standard does not cover all safety aspects related to maintenance.
The scope of this part of lEC 61851 does not cover box type assemblies with socket-outlets,installed for the purpose of delivering energy to the vehicle,which have no charging controlfunctions.
Normative references
2 The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this part of lEC 61851.For dated references,subsequent amendmentsto,or revisions of,any of these publications do not apply. However,parties to agreementsbased on this part of IEC 61851 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying themost recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.For undated references, thelatest edition of the normative document referred to applies.Members of lSO and lEC maintainregisters of currently valid International Standards.
IEC 60038:1983,lEC standard voltages
IEC 60068-2-1:1990,Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Tests A: Cold
IEC 60068-2-2:1974,Environmental testing - Part 2:Tests -Tests B: Dry heat
IEC 60068-2-3:1969,Environmental testing - Part 2:Tests -Test Ca: Damp heat, steady state

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements and makes recommendations for thedesign,integration and validation of safety-related electrical,electronic and programmableelectronic control systems (SRECS) for machines (see Notes 1 and 2). It is applicable tocontrol systems used,either singly or in combination,to carry out safety-related controlfunctions on machines that are not portable by hand while working,including a group ofmachines working together in a co-ordinated manner.
NOTE 1 In this standard,the term “electrical control systems" is used to stand for "Electrical,Electronic andProgrammable Electronic(E/E/PE) control systems"and"SRECS" is used to stand for “safety-related electrical,electronic and programmable electronic control systems".
NOTE 2 In this standard,it is presumed that the design of complex programmable electronic subsystems orsubsystem elements conforms'to the relevant requirements 'of iEc 61508 and uses Route’1H (seeIEC 61508-2:2010, It is considered that Route 2w (see IEC 61508-2:2010, is not suitable forgeneral machinery.Therefore, this standard does not deal with Route 2.This standard provides a methodology forthe use, rather than development, of such subsystems and subsystem elements as part of a SRECS.
This standard is an application standard and is not intended to limit or inhibit technologicaladvancement. lt does not cover all the requirements (e.g. guarding, non-electrical interlockingor non-electrical control) that are needed or required by other standards or regulations inorder to safeguard persons from hazards.Each type of machine has unique requirements tobe satisfied to provide adequate safety.
This standard:

  • is concerned only with functional safety requirements intended to reduce the risk of injury
    or damage to the health of persons in the immediate vicinity of the machine and thosedirectly involved in the use of the machine;
    is restricted to risks arising directly from the hazards of the machine itself or from a groupof machines working together in a co-ordinated manner;

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of portablesealed secondary cells and batteries (other than button) containing alkaline or other non-acidelectrolyte,under intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse.
2Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document andare indispensable for its application.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references,the latest edition of the referenced document(including anyamendments) applies.
IEC 60050-482,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 482: Primary and secondarycells and batteries
IEC 61951-1,Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes- Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 1: Nickel-cadmium
IEC 61951-2,Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes- Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride
IEC 61960,Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes -Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications
ISO/IEC Guide 51,Safety aspects - Guidelines for their inclusion in standards

IEC 62196-1:2003(E) PLUGs, sOCKET-OUTLETS,VEHICLE COUPLERS AND VEHICLE INLETS -cONDUCTIVE CHARGING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES-Part 1: Charging of electric vehicles up to 250 A a.c. and 400 A d.c.
1 Scope
This part of lEC 62196 is applicable to plugs,socket-outlets,connectors,inlets and cableassemblies for electric vehicles,intended for use in conductive charging systems whichincorporate control means,with a rated operating voltage not exceeding:
-690 v a.c.,50 - 60 Hz, at a rated current not exceeding 250 A;

  • 600 v d.c., at a rated current not exceeding 400 A.
    These accessories and cable assemblies are intended to be used for circuits specified inIEC 61851-1 which operate at different voltages and frequencies and which may include ELvand communication signals.
    These accessories and cable assemblies are to be used in an ambient temperature ofbetween -30 °C and +50 °C. In some countries, other requirements may apply.
    These accessories are intended to be connected only to cables with copper or copper-alloyconductors.
    The accessories covered by this standard are for use in certain modes of charging EV's.These modes are defined in IEC 61851-1.These definitions and a description of the types ofconnection (cases A,B and C), also described in lEC 61851-1,are reproduced herein asAnnex A.
    Table 1 illustrates the types of accessories (B, U32, uA, up) permitted for each chargingsituation (mode and case) and identifies where it is mandatory to use the accessories coveredby this standard. These are indicated by the entries in the columns headed “62196" inTable 1.

IEC 62271-2:2003 HIGH-VOLTAGE swITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR一Part 2: Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above
1 Scope and object
This part of lEC 62271 applies to all switchgear and their assemblies for alternating current ofrated voltages of 72,5 kV and above for indoor and outdoor installation,including theirsupporting structure rigidly connected to the ground.
Where switchgear and their assemblies are not ground mounted,e.g. in a building, conditionsfor application are subject to agreement between users and manufacturers.
The seismic qualification of the switchgear and their assemblies take into account anyauxiliary and control equipment either directly mounted or as a separate structure.
This standard provides procedures to seismically qualify ground mounted switchgear and theirassemblies for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above.
The seismic qualification of the switchgear and their assemblies is only performed uponrequest.
This standard specifies seismic severity levels and gives a choice of methods that may beapplied to demonstrate the performance of high-voltage switchgear and their assemblies forwhich seismic qualification is required.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 62305-4:2010 PROTECTION AGAINST LIGHTNING -Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62305 provides information for the design,installation,inspection,maintenance and testing of electrical and electronic system protection(SPM) to reduce therisk of permanent failures due to lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) within a structure.
This standard does not cover protection against electromagnetic interference due to lightning,which may cause malfunctioning of internal systems.However,the information reported inAnnex A can also be used to evaluate such disturbances.Protection measures againstelectromagnetic interference are covered in lEC 60364-4-44 11 1 and in the lEC 61000 series[2]
This standard provides guidelines for cooperation between the designer of the electrical andelectronic system, and the designer of the protection measures, in an attempt to achieveoptimum protection effectiveness.
This standard does not deal with detailed design of the electrical and electronic systemsthemselves.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60364-5-53:2001,Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53:Selection and erectionof electrical equipment - lsolation,switching and control
IEC 60664-1:2007,Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 1:

IEC 62368-3:2017 AUDIO/VIDEO, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT-Part 3: Safety aspects for DC power transferthrough communication cables and ports
1 scope
This part of lEC 62368 applies to equipment intended to supply and receive operating powerthrough communication cables or ports. It covers particular requirements for circuits that aredesigned to transfer DC power from a power sourcing equipment(PSE) to a powereddevice (PD).
The power transfer uses voltages at ES1 or ES2 or in very specific cases voltage levels atES3.
NOTE1 ES1 can generally be assumed to have similar limits as non-hazardous voltage definitions used in otherstandards (for example, sEiLv,PELV).
NOTE 2 ES2 can generally be assumed to have similar limits for single fault conditions as non-hazardousvoltage definitions used in other standards.
NOTE 3 PS2 circuits are generally expected to provide less than 100 w to an undefined load under both normaloperating conditions and single fault conditions.

  • For power transfer using voltages at ES1: USB,PoE,ISDN So,etc.
  • For power transfer using voltages at ES2: analogue telephone during ringing,ISDN U, etc.
  • For power transfer using voltages at ES3: power feeding used by communications service providers and
    utlities communication circuits (for example,RFT circuits,such as line powered HDSLx, SHDSLx,VDSLXand G.fast).
    NOTE 4 Any cable provided with a connector defined by an industry standard that permits DC power transferbetween equipment is considered a communication cable even if communication does not take place. For example,a usB cable can be used just to recharge a portable device battery.
    This group safety publication is primarily intended to be used as a product safety standard for

IEC 62443-4-1:2018 sECURITY FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL svSTEMS -Part 4-1: Secure product development lifecycle requirements
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62443 specifies process requirements for the secure development ofproducts used in industrial automation and control systems. It defines a secure developmentlife-cycle (SDL) for the purpose of developing and maintaining secure products. This life-cycleincludes security requirements definition,secure design,secure implementation (includingcoding guidelines),verification and validation,defect management,patch management andproduct end-of-life. These requirements can be applied to new or existing processes fordeveloping,maintaining and retiring hardware,software or firmware for new or existingproducts.These requirements apply to the developer and maintainer of the product, but not tothe integrator or user of the product.A summary list of the requirements in this document canbe found in Annex B.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the editioncited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (includingany amendments) applies.
IEC 62443-2-4:2015,Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4:Security program requirements for lAcs service providers
IEC 62443-2-4:2015iAMD1:2017
3Terms, definitions,abbreviated terms, acronyms and conventions
3.1 Terms and definitions