分类 国外标准 下的文章

UL 859 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Household Electric Personal GroomingAppliances
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover electric personal grooming appliances intended for household use, suchas hair curlers and dryers, combs, brushes, and similar appliances to be used in accordance with theNational Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
1.2 These requirements do not cover appliances rated more than 250 volts nor appliances covered in thefollowing Standards for Safety:
a) The Standard for Medical Electrical Equipment,Part 1:General Requirements for Safety, uL60601-1;
b)The Standard for Personal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances,UL 1431;
c) The Standard for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirementsfor Shavers, Hair Clippers, and Similar Appliances, UL 60335-2-8;
d) The Standard for Motor-Operated Massage and Exercise Machines,UL 1647;
e) The Standard for Electric Heating Pads,UL 130; and
f) The Standard for Commercial Electric Personal Grooming Appliances, UL 1727.
2.1A component of a product covered by this standard shall:
a) Comply with the requirements for that component as indicated in the individual section(s)covering that component;
b)Be used in accordance with its rating(s) established for the intended conditions of use;
c) Be used within its established use limitations or conditions of acceptability;
d)Additionally comply with the applicable requirements of this standard; and
e)Not contain mercury,unless used within a fluorescent, high intensity discharge,or neon lampbulb.
Exception No.1: A component of a product covered by this standard is not required to comply with aspecific component requirement that:

UL 867 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Electrostatic Air Cleaners
1.1These requirements cover electrostatic air cleaners rated at 600 volts or less, intended to removedust and other particles from the air and intended for use in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.1.1 ln reference to 1.1, these requirements may be used to evaluate products that are:
a) Powered entirely by a low-voltage supply source,such as those intended for connection to aUniversal Serial Bus (USB) supply source; or
b) Provided with or intended for use with one or more rechargeable battery system(s) for portableappliances intended for household use only.
1.1.2 These requirements do not cover battery operated products other than portable appliancesintended for household use only.
1.2 These requirements do not cover electrostatic air cleaners for use in hazardous locations or to cleanatmospheres defined as hazardous by the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.3 These requirements do not cover air cleaners intended to remove particles other than dust and otherparticles normally found in heating and ventilating systems.
1.4 Requirements for the installation of duct-type electrostatic air cleaners are included in the Standardfor the lnstallation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems,NFPA 9OA; and the Standard for theInstallation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, NFPA 90B.
2 General
2.1Components2.1.1 Deleted2.1.2 Deleted2.1.3 Deleted2.1.4 Deleted

UL 8750 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Light Emitting Diode (LED)Equipmentfor Use in Lighting Products
1 Scope
1.1These requirements cover LED equipment that is an integral part of a luminaire or other lightingequipment.These requirements cover components including LED drivers, controllers, arrays (modules),and packages as defined within this standard.
1.1.0 LED equipment covered by this standard are intended for operation in the visible light spectrumbetween 400 - 700 nm.Coherent light sources (e.g.laser sources) are not covered by this standard.
Exception No.1:LED packages as described in Supplement SD may have applications other than generalillumination and may operate outside of the visible light spectrum.
Exception No. 2: Special Use LED arrays as described in Supplement SJ have intended applications otherthan general illumination and may operate outside of the visible light spectrum.
1.1.1 Deleted
1.1.2 Deleted
1.1.3 These requirements do not cover LED controllers within the scopes of the following standards:
a) Standard for Safety for Plug-In Locking Type Photocontrols for Use with Area Lighting, UL 773,or
b) Standard for Safety for Solid-State Dimming Controls, UL 1472.
1.2These lighting products are intended for installation on branch circuits of 600 V nominal or less inaccordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC),ANSINFPA 70, and for connection to isolated (non-utility connected) power sources such as generators, batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and the like.
1.3 LED equipment is utilized in lighting products that comply with the end-product standards listedbelow. The requirements in this standard are intended to supplement those in other end-productstandards.Included are:
a) Electric Signs, UL 48,
b) Portable Electric Luminaires, UL 153,
c) Underwater Luminaires and Submersible Junction Boxes, UL 676,d)Emerqency Liqhtinq and Power Equipment, UL 924,

UL 94 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Tests for Flammability of PlasticMaterials for Parts in Devices and Appliances
1 Scope
1.1These requirements cover tests for flammability of polymeric materials used for parts in devices andappliances. They are intended to serve as a preliminary indication of their acceptability with respect toflammability for a particular application.
1.2The methods described in this Standard involve standard size specimens and are intended to beused solely to measure and describe the flammability properties of materials,used in devices andappliances,in response to a small open flame or radiant heat source under controlled laboratoryconditions.
1.3 The tests in the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials shouldbe used to evaluate small components which contain materials that can not be fabricated intostandardized specimens in the minimum use thickness and subjected to applicable preselection tests inUL94.Test procedures in UL 1694 are applicable to small components with an overall volume of less than2500 mm3 (0.15 in3). UL 1694 is generally not applicable to small components with an overall volumegreater than 2500 mm3(0.15 in3).
1.4 The final acceptance of the material is dependent upon its use in complete equipment that conformswith the standards applicable to such equipment. The flammability classification required of a material isdependent upon the equipment or device involved and the particular use of the material.The performancelevel of a material determined by these methods shall not be assumed to correlate with its performance inend-use application.The actual response to heat and flame of materials depends upon the size and form,and also on the end-use of the product using the material.Assessment of other important characteristics inthe end-use application includes, but is not limited to, factors such as ease of ignition, burning rate, flamespread, fuel contribution, intensity of burning, and products of combustion.
1.5lf found to be appropriate, the requirements are applied to other nonmetallic materials.
1.6These tests,with the exception of the Radiant Panel Test in Section 10, are not applicable to theevaluation of parts where the thickness exceeds 13.0 mm or where the surface area exceeds 1 m?.Theserequirements do not cover polymeric materials when used for building construction, finishing, or contentssuch as wall and floor coverings,furnishings,decorative objects and so forth. In addition,the fireresistance (in terms of an hourly rating), flame spread, smoke characterization, and heat release rate isnot evaluated.Other fire tests exist and shall be used to evaluate the flammability of materials in theintended end-use-product configuration.

UL 982 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Motor-Operated Household FoodPreparing Machines
1 Scope
1.1These requirements cover household motor-operated food preparing machines and kitchenaccessories such as knife sharpeners and can openers, that are intended to be operated for short-periodsof time resulting in cumulative use-time per year of less than 100 hours and that are for use in accordancewith the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.2In the following text, a requirement that applies to one type of equipment coming within its scope,such as a blender,or mixer will be so identified by a specific reference in that requirement to the type ofequipment involved. In the absence of such specific reference or if the term appliance is employed, it is tobe understood that the requirement applies to all of the types of equipment covered by the standard.
1.3 These requirements cover cord-connected and permanently wired motor-operated appliances ratedat a nominal 120 V including appliances supplied by low-voltage power supplies,and battery-operatedappliances provided with battery chargers.
1.4 These requirements cover appliances for household use.The requirements in the Standard forMotor-Operated Commercial Food Preparing Machines, UL 763 are employed for the evaluation ofappliances also intended for commercial application.
1.5 This standard does not cover sanitation,contamination,or noise aspects of these products.Reference to these items can be found in the Standard for Food,Drug and Beverage Equipment,ANSIASME F2.1.
1.6An appliance employing a heating element is judged on the basis of its compliance with therequirements of this Standard,insofar as they apply and further appropriate requirements applicable tohousehold cooking appliances.
2Units of Measurement
2.1Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory orapproximate information.
3 Undated References
3.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall beinterpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.

This Standard covers ratings, dimensions, tolerances,marking, and material requirements for forged fittings,both socket-welding and threaded, as illustrated in
Tables 1 through 6 and Tables I-1 through l-6, inclusive.
1.1.1 Fitting Types/Configuration.Types of fittingscovered by this Standard are shown in Table 7, by
class and size range. Fittings shown in Tables 1through 6 and Tables I-1 through l-6 may also be
made with combinations of socket-welding and threadedends.
1.1.2 Special Fittings. Fittings with special dimen-sions, threads, or counterbores may be made by agree-ment between the manufacturer and purchaser. Whensuch fittings meet all other stipulations of this
Standard, they shall be considered in compliance there-with, provided they are appropriately marked (see section4).
1.1.3 Welding. Installation welding requirements arenot within the scope of this Standard.Installation
welding shall be in accordance with the applicablepiping Code or regulation covering the piping systeminto which the fittings are installed.
1.2 General
1.2.1 Referenced Standards. Standards and specifica-tions adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in
Mandatory Appendix II. It is not considered practical toidentify the specific edition of each standard and specifi-cation in the individual references.Instead, the specific

1.1 General
This Standard covers overall dimensions,tolerances,ratings, testing, and markings for wrought factory-madebuttwelding fittings in sizes NPS 1% through 48 (DN 15through 1200).
1.2 Special Fittings
Fittings may be made to special dimensions,sizes,shapes, and tolerances by agreement between the manu-facturer and the purchaser.
1.3 Fabricated Fittings
Fabricated laterals and other fittings employing cir-cumferential or intersection welds are considered pipefabrication and are not within the scope of this Standard.Fabricated lap joint stub ends are exempt from theabove restrictions, provided they meet all the require-ments of the applicable ASTM material specificationlisted in para.5.

(a) Identification. This Process Piping Code is aSection of the American Society of Mechanical EngineersCode for Pressure Piping, ASME B31, an AmericanNational Standard. It is published as a separate docu-ment for convenience of Code users.
(1)Owner.The owner of a piping installation shallhave overall responsibility for compliance with thisCode, and for establishing the requirements for design,construction,examination, inspection, and testing thatwill govern the entire fluid handling or process installa-tion of which the piping is a part. The owner is also
responsible for designating piping in Category D:Category M,High Pressure, and High Purity Fluid
Services, and for determining if a specific QualitySystem is to be employed. [See paras. 300(d)(4) through(7) and Appendix Q.] Where applicable, the owner shallconsider requirements imposed by the authority havingjurisdiction regarding the piping installation.
(2) Designer. The designer is responsible to theowner for assurance that the engineering design of pip-ing complies with the requirements of this Code andwith any additional requirements established by theowner.
(3)Manufacturer, Fabricator, and Erector. The manu-facturer, fabricator, and erector of piping are responsiblefor providing materials, components, and workmanshipin compliance with the requirements of this Code andof the engineering design.

ASME B31.4-2006 Pipeline Transportation Systems for LiquidHydrocarbons and Other Liquids
(a)This Liquid Transportation Systems Code is oneof several sections of the ASME Code for Pressure Pip-ing, B31.This Section is published as a separate docu-
ment for convenience. This Code applies tohydrocarbons, liquid petroleum gas, anhydrous ammo-
nia, alcohols, and carbon dioxide.Throughout this Codethese systems will be referred to as Liquid PipelineSystems.
(b)The requirements of this Code are adequate forsafety under conditions normally encountered in the
operation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements rorall abnormal or unusual conditions are not spend con-provided for, nor are all details of engineering and con-
struction prescribed. All work performed within theScope of this Code shall comply with the safety stan-dards expressed or implied.
(c)The primary purpose of this Code is to establishrequirements for safe design, construction, inspection,testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipelinesystems for protection of the general public andoperating company personnel as well as for reasonableprotection of the piping system against vandalism andaccidental damage by others and reasonable protectionof the environment.
(d)This Code is concerned with employee safety tothe extent that it is affected by basic design,qualityof materials and workmanship,and requirements forconstruction, inspection, testing, operation, and mainte-nance of liquid pipeline systems. Existing industrialsafety regulations pertaining to work areas, safe workpractices, and safety devices are not intended to be sup-planted by this Code.

ASME B31.4-2012 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquidsand Slurries
(a)This pipeline transportation systems Code is oneof several sections of The American Society of Mechani-cal Engineers Code for Pressure Piping,ASME B31, andit is the responsibility of the user of this Code to select
the applicable Section. This Section is published as aseparate document for convenience.This Code applies
to hydrocarbons,liquid petroleum gas, anhydrousammonia, alcohols, and carbon dioxide.Throughout thisCode, these systems will be referred to as liquid pipelinesystems.
(b)The requirements of this Code are adequate forsafety under conditions normally encountered in theoperation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements forall abnormal or unusual conditions are not specificallyprovided for, nor are all details of engineering and con-struction prescribed. All work performed within theScope of this Code shall comply with the safety stan-dards expressed or implied.
(c) The primary purpose of this Code is to establishrequirements for safe design, construction, inspection,testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipelinesystems for protection of the general public and
operating company personnel, as well as for reasonableprotection of the piping system against vandalism and
accidental damage by others, and reasonable protectionof the environment.

801.1 Approved Standards and Specifications
Standards and specifications approved for use underthis Code and the names and addresses of the sponsor-ing organizations are shown in Mandatory Appendix A.It is not considered practicable to refer to a specificedition of each of the standards and specifications inthe individual Code paragraphs.
801.2 Use of Standards and Specifications
lncorporated by Reference
Some standards and specifications cited in MandatoryAppendix A are supplemented by specific requirementselsewhere in this Code. Users of this Code are advisedagainst attempting direct application of any of thesestandards without carefully observing the Code's refer-ence to that standard.
801.3 Standard Dimensions
Adherence to American National Standards Institute(ANSI) dimensions is strongly recommended whereverpracticable. Paragraphs or notations specifying theseand other dimensional standards in this Code, however,shall not be mandatory, provided that other designs of

1 scoPE
TeisSlarlne!oovers ehve siacrxlanrdicatseoa ol dowmwctsions of weldes and seamless wrough sec! pipe (orhigh or low temperatures and peessures.
!he uor! pipi is wsed as isuinguishe&fron uubelo apply !o lubular products of dimensions commorn!yused for pipeline and piping syslems. Pupe dimeasionsof sizes t2 int. and semallcr havc outsiadc diamctersnumcrtcaly !arger than conresponing sizes. !n contrast.the omside iameiers of lubes are numcrically identicalta the size number for all sizes.
2 SIze
Tle ive od at! pipe is idcswbedty lhe nominaipipc size.
The manufacture of pare NPs ' ,to NPS 12 incJusivels based! on a stantardized outslde diancter [OD). TisoD was originally se!ecled so that pipe with a stan!ardoD and having a wall thickncss whcn was typicalof thc periowoutd have aninstdc diamc:cr (1D)appeaxirmalely equal to the nominal sizc. 三!houag!there is no such reiauion belweeu the existing stanandthickness — oDand nominal sizr — these notninalsizes an! stan!ar oD. contiaue in use as "stanLarl"Thc mamufacture of pipe rP'S ]4 aad largcs proccdson the basts of an oD corresponding to tc nominal siza.

1.1 sCOPE
This Standard establishes certification requirementsfor a Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Profes-sional (GDTP). Certification will be based upon thecurrent edition of the Y14.5 Dimensioning and Toleranc-ing Standard,its appendices,and the application of itsprinciples and concepts.
This Standard provides requirements and qualifica-tions to be used in certifying GDTPs.These require-ments and qualifications recognize the knowledge, train-ing,and the experience necessary to understand,apply,and teach the principles as set forth in the current

1.1 General
This Standard applies to new construction and coverspressure-temperature ratings, dimensions, tolerances,materials, nondestructive examination requirements,testing, and marking for cast, forged,and fabricatedflanged, threaded, and welding end and wafer orflangeless valves of steel,nickel-base alloys, and otheralloys shown in Table 1. Wafer or flangeless valves,bolted or through-bolt types, that are installed betweenflanges or against a flange are treated as flanged-endvalves. Alternative rules for NPS 21/ and smaller valvesare given in Mandatory Appendix V.
1.2 Applicability
1.2.1 Standards and Specifications.Standards andspecifications adopted by reference in this Standard andthe names and addresses of the sponsoring organiza-tions are shown in Mandatory Appendix VIII. It is notconsidered practical to refer to a specific edition of eachof the standards and specifications in the individualclause references.Instead, the specific edition referencesare included in Mandatory Appendix VII.A productmade in conformance with a prior edition of referencestandards and in all other respects conforming to thisStandard shall be considered to be in conformance eventhough the edition reference may have been changed ina subsequent revision of this Standard.

IEC 34-15:1995 ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES -Part 15: Impulse voltage withstand levels of rotating a.c. machines with form-wound stator coils
This part of lEC 34 specifies the rated phase-to-earth impulse voltage withstand levelsof rotating a.c. machines having rated voltages from 3 kV to 15 kV inclusive andincorporating form-wound stator coils, together with the test procedures and voltages to beapplied to the main and interturn insulation of sample coils to prove the compliance of themachine.
2Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in thistext,constitute provisions of this part of lEC 34.At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision,and parties toagreements based on this part of lEC 34 are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.Membersof lEC and lSo maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
IEC 34-1:1994,Rotating electrical machines - Part 1 : Rating and performance
IEC 60-1: 1989,High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and testrequirements
IEC 71-1:1993, Insulation co-ordination - Part 1 : Definitions,principles and rules

IEC 79-16:1990 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERES Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses

  1. Scope
    1.1 Thisreportprovidesthe general principles ofprotection,by
    artificial ventilation,ofanalyzer(s) houses againstthe explosionhazards caused by internal release of flammable substances and,ifapplicable,against the hazards caused by an external explosive 'gasatmosphere. it also gives the conditions in which electrical apparatusliable' to cause ignition may be used in these analyzer(s) 'houses.These analyzer(s) houses may be situated in a hazardous area or in anon-hazardous area.
    1.2 This report contains recommendations for the construction and oper-
    ation of analyzer(s) houses,for their associated installations,such asair ducts,and for the auxiliary devices necessary for providing andmaintaining the conditions forventilation and,when required,pressure.
    This report also specifies the verification and testing necessary toprove that the installation conforms to the above recommendations,andthe markings to be placed on such rooms or buildings.
    Notes 1.- In certain circumstances,the recommendations may be used
    for other buildings containing similar sources of release.
    2.- This report does not deal with dangers associated with the
    toxicity of gases and vapours which may be dealt with bysimilar techniques. It does not deal with requirements not

IEC TS 60204-34:2016 SAFETY OF MACHINERY -ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF MACHINES -Part 34 : Requirements for machine tools
1 scope
This clause of lEC 60204-1 is applicable except as follows:Replacement:
This part of lEC 60204 applies to electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipmentand systems of machine tools not portable by hand while working, including a group of machinesworking together in a co-ordinated manner.
ln this part of lEC 60204,machine tools means all machines for the working of metal, wood,plastics and stone,operating by forming or removal of material.The following list includesexamples of machine tools but not limited to:

  • Turning machines (i.e. manually controlled turning machines without numerical control,
    manually controlled turning machines with limited numerically controlled capability,numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres,single- or multi-spindleautomatic turning machines);
    -Milling machines(including boring machines);- Machining centres;
  • Planing machines;- Drilling machines;-Grinding machines;
  • Laser processing machines;
  • Electro Discharge Machines(EDM)(except their power circuit for discharge);- Sawing machines for cold metal;

IEC 60309-2:2021 PLUGS,FIXED OR PORTABLE SOCKET-OUTLETS ANDAPPLIANCE INLETS FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES-Part 2: Dimensional compatibility requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
1 scope
This document applies to plugs,fixed or portable socket-outlets,and appliance inlets,hereinafter referred to as accessories, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding 1 00o v Dcor 1 000 V AC with a frequency not exceeding 500 Hz and a rated current not exceeding 125 A,primarily intended for industrial use, either indoors or outdoors.
These accessories are intended to be installed by instructed persons or skilled persons only.
NOTE1 All references for accessories with a rated current of more than 125 A in lEC 60309-1 are not applicableto this document.
This document applies to accessories with pins and contact-tubes of standardizedconfigurations.
This document applies to accessories, for use when the ambient temperature is normally withinthe range -25 c to 40 °c.
The use of these accessories on building sites and for agricultural, commercial and domestioapplications is not precluded.
This document applies to accessories with screwless-type terminals or insulation piercingterminals,with a rated current up to and including 32 A for series l and 30 A for series ll.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets incorporated in or fixed to electrical equipment are within thescope of this document. This document also applies to accessories intended to be used inextra-low voltage installations.

IEC 60320-2-3:2018 APPLIANCE cOUPLERS FOR HoUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR GENERAL PURPOSES -Part 2-3: Appliance couplers with a degree of protection higher than lPXO
This clause of lEC 60320-1 applies with the following addition:
This document applies to appliance couplers with a degree of protection against ingress ofwater higher than IPxo.
2Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the editioncited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (includingany amendments) applies.
This clause of lEC 60320-1 applies with the following additions:
IEC 60320-1,Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 1:General requirements
IEC 60320-3,Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 3:Standard sheets and gauges
IEC 60529,Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
3Terms and definitions

IEC 60364-1:2005 Low-vOLTAGE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS -Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions
11 scope 1
IEC 60364-1 gives the rules for the design, erection, and verification of electrical installations.The rules are intended to provide for the safety of persons,livestock and property againstdangers and damage which may arise in the reasonable use of electrical installations and toprovide for the proper functioning of those installations.
11.1 IEC 60364-1 applies to the design,erection and verification of electrical installationssuch as those of
a) residential premises;
b) commercial premises;
c) public premises;
d) industrial premises;
e) agricultural and horticultural premises;
f) prefabricated buildings;
g) caravans, caravan sites and similar sites;
h) construction sites,exhibitions, fairs and other installations for temporary purposes;
i) marinas;
j)external lighting and similar installations (see, however ,11.3e));
k) medical locations;
l)mobile or transportable units;
m) photovoltaic systems;
n) low-voltage generating sets.