分类 国外标准 下的文章

Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam withThird-Point Loading).
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the flexuralstrength of concrete by the use of a simple beam withthird-point loading.
1.2 The values stated in either Sl units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard.The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents;therefore,eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety,health, and environmental practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards,Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
C31/C31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete TestSpecimens in the Field
C42/C42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing DrilledCores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-gregates

T/CSAE 157-2020.Cooperative intelligent transportation system-Vehicular communication application layer specification and data exchange standard (Phase II).
T/CSAE 157规定了合作式智能运输系统车用通信系统应用层第二阶段的应用场景和对应的交互数据技术要求。
T/CSAE 157适用于合作式智能运输系统车用通信系统应用层第:二阶段应用场景的设计与开发。
GB/T 5768. 2 -2009道路交通标志和标线第2部分:道路交通标志
GB/T 20851.4-2019电子收费 专用短程通信 第4部分:设备应用
YD/T 709- -2020基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术消息层技术要求
3. 1合作式智能运输系统cooperative intelligent transportat ion systems, C- ITS
[来源: T/CSAE 53- 2017,3.1.1]

T/CSAE 74-2018.Determination of coefficients of friction for mechanical fasteners.
T/CSAE 74规定了碳钢和合金钢米制螺纹紧固件摩擦系数测试试验条件、方法和数据统计要求。
T/CSAE 74适用于碳钢和合金钢米制螺纹紧固件,螺纹规格范围为M4-M39的螺栓和螺母。
紧固件机械性能分别满足GB/T 3098.1. GB/T 3098.2中紧固件等级的要求。
GB/T 3098.1紧固件机械性能螺栓、螺钉和螺柱
GB/T 3098.2紧固件机械性能螺母

T/CSAE 56-2017.Bulletproof steel sheet and strip for automobile use.
T/CSAE 56规定了汽车用防弹钢板和钢带的牌号、用途、成分、外形、尺寸、表面质量、性能、检验和试验、包装、标志、质量证明书等。
T/CSAE 56适用于运钞车、防暴车、防暴盾牌及其它民用防弹汽车用防弹钢板和钢带(以下统称钢板和钢带)。
GA 164专用运钞 车防护技术条件
SAE- -China J2205汽车热轧钢 板和钢带
GB/T222钢的成品化学 允许偏差
GB/T223钢铁及 合金化学分析方法
GBT228.1金属材料拉伸试验 第I部分:室温试验方法
GB/T247钢板和钢带包装、 标志及质量证明书的一-般规定
GB/T709热轧钢板 和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差
GB/T 703热轧钢板 和钢带的不平度
GB/T 2970厚钢板超声波检验方法
GB/T 2975钢及钢产品力学性能试验取样位置及试样制备
GB/T 8170数值修约规则 与极限数值的表示和判定
GB/T 13298金属显微组织检验方法
GB/T 17505钢及钢产品交货一般技术要求

T/CSAE 45-2015.Performance levels and methods of measurement of magnetic and electric field strength from electric vehicles, 9 kHz to 30 MHz.
T/CSAE 45规定了电动汽车在频率范围9kHz~30MHz的磁场和电场的辐射发射的限值和测量方法,以及9kHz~30MHz的传导发射的限值和测量方法。
T/CSAE 45适用于纯电动汽车、混合动力汽车、插电式混合动力汽车、增程式电动汽车、燃料电池汽车等电动汽车。
GB/T 4365电工术语电磁兼容
SAE J551/1 - Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic
Compatibility of Vehicles, Boats (up to 15 m), and Machines (16. 6Hz to 18GHz)
SAE J1772 -(R) SAE Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler
GB/T 6113. 101-2008无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范_第1-1部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备
GB/T 6113. 104- 2008无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范_第1-4部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备辅助设备辐射骚扰
ANSI C63.4-American Nat ional Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noi se Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHzANSI C63.12-American National Standard for Elec tromagnetic Compatibility Limits-Recommended Practice

T/CSAE 44-2015.Evaluation and test methods for regenerative braking energy recovery rate of pure electric passenger vehicle.
T/CSAE 44规定了纯电动乘用车再生制动能量回收率的评价及试验方法。
T/CSAE 44适用于GB/T15089规定的MI类纯电动乘用车,其装备包含摩擦制动系统和电制动系统等。
GB/T 15089机动车辆和挂车分类
GB/T 12534汽车道路 试验方法通则
GB/T 19596 2004电动汽车术语
GB/T 5620道路 车辆汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义
GB-T 18386- 2005电动汽车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验方法
GB21670 2008乘用车制动系统技术要求和试验方法
GB/T 17953- 2005轻型混合动力电动汽车能量消耗量试验方法
GB/T 17953-2013轻型混合动力电动汽车能量消耗量试验方法
IS0 8715:2001电动道路车辆道路操纵特性测量
JJF1221-2009汽车排气污 染物检测用底盘测功机校准规范
3.1电动汽车 electric vehicle
电动汽车包含纯电动、混合动力、插电式混合动力(含增程式)及燃料电池电动汽车(GB/T19596- 2004 3. 1. 1定义)
3.2电动汽车 整车整备质量complete electric vehicle kerb mass
包含车载储能装置在内的整车整备质量(GB/T 19596- 2004定义)。

今天猫头鹰给大家分享的是BS ISO 24076 pdf。纯英文的,需要中文的只能自己翻译了。英文标题是:
Plastics — Polypropylene (PP) — Determination of isotactic index by low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
对应的中文标题是:塑料 - 聚丙烯(PP)- 等规指数的测定 - 分辨率核磁共振光谱法。部分介绍如下:
This document specifies a relative method for the determination of polypropylene (PP) isotactic index by low-resolution pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (LR-NMR).
This method enables the identification and coding of types H propylene (PP-H) plastics according to ISO 19069‑1.
This method is suitable for base polymers and is not applicable for mixtures.
NOTE The direct method for the determination of polypropylene isotactic index is specified in ISO 9113.
该方法可根据ISO 19069-1对H型丙烯(PP-H)塑料进行识别和编码。
注:ISO 9113规定了测定聚丙烯等规指数的直接方法。

今天分享的是ISO 14001:2015,英文版本。英文标题是:Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use。
This International Standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. This International Standard is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
0.1 Background
Achieving a balance between the environment, society and the economy is considered essential to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development as a goal is achieved by balancing the three pillars of sustainability.
Societal expectations for sustainable development, transparency and accountability have evolved with increasingly stringent legislation, growing pressures on the environment from pollution, inefficient use of resources, improper waste management, climate change, degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.
This has led organizations to adopt a systematic approach to environmental management by implementing environmental management systems with the aim of contributing to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
0.2 Aim of an environmental management system
The purpose of this International Standard is to provide organizations with a framework to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs. It specifies requirements that enable an organization to achieve the intended outcomes it sets for its environmental management system.
A systematic approach to environmental management can provide top management with information to build success over the long term and create options for contributing to sustainable development by:
— protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts;
— mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organization;
— assisting the organization in the fulfilment of compliance obligations;
— enhancing environmental performance;
— controlling or influencing the way the organization's products and services are designed, manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed by using a life cycle perspective that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle;
— achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing environmentally sound alternatives that strengthen the organization’s market position;
— communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties.
This International Standard, like other International Standards, is not intended to increase or change an organization’s legal requirements.
0.3 Success factors
The success of an environmental management system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, led by top management. Organizations can leverage opportunities to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and enhance beneficial environmental impacts, particularly those with strategic and competitive implications. Top management can effectively address its risks and opportunities by integrating environmental management into the organization's business processes, strategic direction and decision making, aligning them with other business priorities, and incorporating environmental governance into its overall management system. Demonstration of successful implementation of this International Standard can be used to assure interested parties that an effective environmental management system is in place.
Adoption of this International Standard, however, will not in itself guarantee optimal environmental outcomes. Application of this International Standard can differ from one organization to another due to the context of the organization. Two organizations can carry out similar activities but can have different compliance obligations, commitments in their environmental policy, environmental technologies and environmental performance goals, yet both can conform to the requirements of this International Standard.
The level of detail and complexity of the environmental management system will vary depending on the context of the organization, the scope of its environmental management system, its compliance obligations, and the nature of its activities, products and services, including its environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts.

NFPA 557-2016 pdf download,Standard For Determination Of Fire Loads For Use In Structural Fire Protection Design.
NFPA 557-2016 contains minimum requirements relating to the organization and deployment of fire suppression operations, emergency medical operations, and special operations to the public by substantially all career fire departments. 1.1.1 The requirements address functions and objectives of fire department emergency service delivery, response capabilities, and resources. NFPA 557-2016 also contains general requirements for managing resources and systems, such as health and safety, incident management, training, communications, and pre-incident planning. NFPA 557-2016 addresses the strategic and system issues involving the organization, operation, and deployment of a fire department and does not address tactical operations at a specific emergency incident.
1.5 Units and Formulas
1.5.1 The units of measure in this standard are presented in the International System(S1)of Units.

  1. 5.2 The values presented for measurements in this standard are expressed with a degree of precision appropriate for practi cal application and enforcement. It is not intended that the application or enforcement of these values be more precise than the precision expressed
    1.5.3 Where extracted text contains values expressed in only one system of units, the values in the extracted text have been retained without conversion to preserve the values established by the responsible technical committee in the source docu- ment
    1.6 Approved Qualifications. The evaluation of the fire load shall be prepared by an approved person.

ISO/IEC 39794-1和ISO/IEC 39794-4刚 分享完了,今天最后分享的是ISO/IEC 39794-5,这个文件太大,119M,有195页,所以大家一定要用下载工具来下载(如迅雷),不然可能会下载失败。下面是封面截图:

上上周有网友在本站论坛留言,说需要ISO/IEC 39794-1、4、5系列,今天晚上好不容易找到pdf版。不容易啊。现在先分析的是ISO/IEC 39794-1:2019,其它的大家在本站输入标准号,也就是数字就可以搜得到。

现在www.biao-zhun.cn跟大家分享的是一个欧洲标准,EN 149:2001,pdf格式,大小为2.65M。
中文名称:呼吸防护装置 - 颗粒防护用过滤半面罩 - 要求、检验和标记。
英文名词:EN 149 - Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles - Requirements, testing, marking.

刚我分享的是ISO 17025-2005版,接下拉猫头鹰站长给大家分享的是ISO 17025-2017中文版,免费下载,时间关系不做过多介绍,具体大家下载后自己详看吧。截图如下:

标准号:ISO/IEC TS 22424-2:2020
英文名称:Digital publishing — EPUB3 preservation — Part 2: Metadata requirements
标准介绍:ISO/IEC TS 22424-2:2020是一个国外标准,纯英文版本,和大家免费分享学习。

标准号:ISO/IEC 21471:2020
英文名称:Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Extended rectangular data matrix (DMRE) bar code symbology specification
标准介绍:ISO/IEC 21471:2020是一个国外标准,纯英文版本。与大家免费分享学习。

标准号:ISO 22570:2020
标准名称:牙科学 —勺子和骨刮匙
英文名称:Dentistry — Spoons and bone curettes
标准介绍:ISO 22570:2020是一个国外标准,纯英文版本,免费供大家下载学习使用。

标准号:ISO/IEC 22624:2020
英文名称:Information technology — Cloud computing — Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services
标准介绍:ISO/IEC 22624:2020 是一个国外标准,纯英文版本,免费供大家下载。

标准号:BS ISO 29903-1:2020
英文名称:Comparison of toxic gas data from different tests — Part 1: Guidance and requirements